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Is bitrue a good exchange?

When it comes to liquidity, Bitrue has fared better than many other exchanges out there. On the date of last updating the review (2 December 2021), the exchange had a 24-hour trading volume of approximately USD 2.3 billion. This is definitely a good sign as far as the liquidity is concerned.

How many coins & trading pairs are available on bitrue?

Currently, there are 518 coins and 1055 trading pairs available on the exchange. Bitrue 24h volume is reported to be at $1,460,098,359.77, a change of 43.44% in the last 24 hours. The most active trading pair is BTC/USDT with a 24h volume of $248,969,562.77. Exchange Reserves data is currently unavailable for Bitrue.

Can US-investors trade at bitrue?

Bitrue has got you covered. Bitrue does not list USA as a “prohibited country” or anything similar. So our belief is that US-investors may trade at this exchange. This belief is further supported by the fact that Bitrue also has offices in USA (also in Canada, Japan and Taiwan).

How much XRP & BTR does bitrue hold?

It holds a dedicated insurance fund of 41 million XRP and 40 million BTR to reimburse users in the event of any future hack that’s Bitrue’s fault. However, two major security breaches tarnish this exchange’s reputation.

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